SCALP PEELING: WHAT IS IT? Is scalp peeling or otherwise – exfoliation, scrubbing – a mandatory part of your hair care routine?
Scalp peeling, which is mentioned more and more often by cosmetic lovers and reviewers, can make you think: is it a matter of fashion, or is the procedure really necessary? In an attempt to understand if – and if so, when – such a procedure can be beneficial, let’s take a look at the processes taking place in the scalp.
Human skin is constantly undergoing cell renewal, when dead cells are pushed to the surface. This process also takes place in the scalp, but here it is more difficult for cells to remove due to the density of the hair, less friction with the environment and the active activity of the sebaceous glands. It is on the scalp that we notice accumulations of dead skin cells visible to the naked eye – dandruff – or encounter an oily mass with a specific smell that remains on the fingers after brushing the scalp.
In this way, over time, a layer is formed on the surface of the scalp from various impurities, which sticks dead cells together like cement and interferes with normal skin processes. Therefore, the hair starts to dry, its growth slows down, and the scalp becomes more and more oily. Dirt accumulates, the scalp gets clogged, the hair roots are covered by a shell through which it is difficult for elements useful for the hair to penetrate.
The condition of each person’s scalp is unique, so how do you know when scalp peeling is really necessary and can help improve hair condition? Here are some indicators that signal the necessary scalp scrubbing procedure:
Increased fat content of roots;
There is a sense of tightness of the hair, the feeling of fluffiness has disappeared;
Unpleasant scalp odor;
Even after washing the hair, there is a lack of feeling of cleanliness.
More intense greasiness of the hair, feeling of lack of health and other problems are the result of scalp blockage. The use of dry shampoo or leave-in hair styling products, incorrectly selected hair care products or improper rinsing contribute to this. Given the fact that environmental pollution and dust have a significant influence on scalp clogging, it can be said that scalp scrubbing is a healthy, valuable and hair-reviving procedure for everyone, even if there are no visible problems with the condition of the scalp.
When performing scalp peeling, the product should be spread over the scalp and massaged well to activate the microcirculation of the scalp – thus blood circulation is activated, hair follicles are cleaned, dead epidermal cells are removed, and hair bulbs are supplied with oxygen, so the hair becomes stronger and grows faster.
For normal hair, it is advisable to use scalp scrub once every 2-3 weeks, for oily hair – once a week. Scaling of the scalp can also be done before any cosmetic procedure, for example applying a nourishing hair mask. After removing dead skin cells and dirt, the scalp will absorb more beneficial cosmetic ingredients.
It is important to mention that only the hair roots and the scalp should be scrubbed, and the head should not be rubbed beforehand. After the procedure, the hair is washed in the usual way.
Scrubbing procedures should not be performed in cases where the scalp is damaged – there are wounds, cuts, severe irritations, infections. In such cases, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist or trichologist.
Mechanical scrubbers.
These products contain mild abrasive ingredients such as sugar, sea salt or charcoal. The fine texture lifts dirt, oil, dead skin and hair product build-up so you can wash it away.
Such products are suitable in practically all cases, they are convenient to use, so these are the scalp deep cleansing products that usually appear on cosmetics shelves. If you are new to scalp exfoliation and want to experience its benefits, choose a mechanical exfoliator as it will be friendly even to the inexperienced user.
This type of remedy would not be suitable for skin infections (for example, with purulent formations on the head, because they can be mechanically damaged, spreading the microorganisms that cause them to the environment).
Scrubbing comb.
These are various brushes that help to exfoliate product accumulations, dirt, grease and dead skin cells during a gentle massage.
The process is quite time-consuming and requires a commitment to follow such procedures consistently in order to see results. Therefore, such a procedure will suit you if you like to spend more time on yourself and are willing to do self-massage honestly. While you’re at it, we recommend looking into massage lines and lymphatic drainage for even greater benefits.
It is important to clean tools and ensure their hygiene.
Chemical scrubs.
These scrubs contain ingredients that dissolve dead skin cells, such as salicylic acid, coal or wood resin, pyrithione zinc, and other ingredients.